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  • Thema von FedelBassano im Forum Generico in Italia

    Trademark is a recognizable design, expression or sign which distinguishes a product or a service of a certain source from those of others. Sometimes, a trademark used to identify a service, is called a service mark, especially in United States. Owners of the trademark can be business organizations, legal entities or individuals and it is usually located on a label, a package, a voucher, the product itself or sometimes even on company buildings. The main purpose of a trademark is to communicate that the particular product is from a unique source and to differentiate it from other, similar products. For example, a registration of a trademark serves as a protection for a brand name to preserve its original authorship.

    Trademarks are protected by the rights of intellectual property. Intellectual property refers to a creation of the intellect and a monopoly on this intellect that is assigned to the owner of this intellectual property and is protected by law. Trademarks, patents, copyright and industrial design rights are all a part of intellectual property rights. Any unauthorised usage of the trademark by producing or trading a counterfeit consumer good is a violation of intellectual property rights, known as brand piracy. In case of such violation, the owner of the trademark can pursue a legal action against a trademark infringement.

    Reasons to register and protect your trademark
    Some countries, including United States and Canada, recognize common law trademark rights, which allow taking action to protect a brand name also if a trademark on it has not been registered. Still, it offers significantly less legal protection in comparison to registered trademarks. Meanwhile, most countries require a formal registration of the trademark in order to pursue a legal action against a trademark infringement. Below is a concise instruction on how to go through the process of registering your own trademark.

    If the brand name is used already before the registration of the trademark, it is possible to apply for the registration based on the use in commerce concept, declaring that the brand name is in use in commerce and providing with a date, when it was first used. The declaration is usually included in the standard application form, which then needs to be submitted to responsible office with a specimen showing the use of the brand name. Before submitting the registration form, it is necessary to search for already existing trademark on a particular brand name – this can be done online.

    Recent big trademark violation cases
    There can be found numerous trademark infringement cases in the history of intellectual property rights. Each of them serves as a reminder that a violation of intellectual property is as serious offense as violation of physical property.

    #1 Louis Vuitton vs Louis Vuiton Dak
    Fashion designer Louis Vuitton recently won a trademark lawsuit against a South Korean fried chicken restaurant, Louis Vuiton Dak. The court ruled that not only the name of the restaurant is too similar to the fashion brand, also its logo and packaging closely resembled designer’s iconic imagery.

    #2 Starbucks vs Freddocino
    In 2016, Starbucks took a legal action against the company owning the Coffee Culture Cafe in New York after it launched a drink called the Freddocino. Starbucks owns a trademark for the term Frappucino and states that not only both names have too many similarities, but also both drinks have the same structure and visual appearance.

    #3 3M vs 3N
    3M commenced a legal action against a Chinese company using a brand name 3N and won stating that the company managed to acquire clients and a significant market share thanks to similarities with the 3M and its high distinctiveness and reputation of this brand name.

  • Irish royalty structuresDatum15.02.2024 17:41
    Thema von FedelBassano im Forum Generico in Italia

    Ireland based companies are currently very attractive as they can be leveraged for intellectual property exploitation. Until recently, Irish companies were most commonly used as intermediary licensing companies. As of May 2009, Ireland is also an attractive jurisdiction to hold intellectual property profitably.

    Ireland: a top choice for royalties
    The reason Ireland is such an attractive option for royalty recovery is that there is generally no withholding tax on outgoing royalties (with the exception of patent and mining royalties, but even these may be exempt in certain circumstances).

    For many licensing structures, Ireland will be the best location for an intermediary licensing company for the exploitation of all types of intellectual property. With its new, convenient capital grants system, Ireland is now an ideal location for the development, ownership and exploitation of intellectual property. It is important to remember that every case is different and proper advice must always be sought.

    About license payments
    Royalties from Irish companies may be subject to a 20% withholding tax. However, there is an exception if the recipient is a resident of an EU or contracting state in which royalties are subject to tax. Even where these conditions are not met, by appropriate structuring and by ensuring that the payment is not treated as Irish originating (i.e. ensuring that the patent is not registered or exploited in Ireland, that an Irish bank account is not used, and related agreements are not governed by Irish law etc.) it will in many cases still be possible for an Irish company to pay royalties on patents without deduction of Irish withholding tax.

    Structures where the Irish company is the IP owner
    Alternatively, an Irish company may be used to hold the intellectual property beneficially, having either developed it in-house or purchased it (including from a connected party, in which case the purchase price will be capped for tax purposes at the arm’s length price). Generous tax allowances are available against income earned from the exploitation of intellectual property including patents, copyright, trade marks and brands and know-how (where the income is directly attributable to intangible assets). The allowances available are equal to the depreciation or amortisation charge shown in the accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

    The allowances can only be set against income or sales derived from the use or exploitation of the intellectual property, and are limited to 80% of the profits from such activities in any given year. With the right structuring, the average tax rate can be brought down to 2.5%. In order to claim Irish tax relief on the cost of intellectual property, the company must be actively exploiting it, or products deriving from it, in Ireland. This requires an office and employees located in Ireland. This requirement does not apply to those utilising an offshore structure.

    Note that appropriate structures could be put in place to ensure that dividends paid by the Irish company out of its post-tax profits are not subject to withholding tax.

  • Liberties and freedom in ItalyDatum22.09.2023 18:30
    Thema von FedelBassano im Forum Generico in Italia

    With regard to political and civil freedoms, Italy is 1. Citizens in Italy experience total freedom. The majority of countries in which citizens enjoy expansive civil liberties and political freedoms are representative democracies, in which officials are directly elected by citizens to advocate for their needs and desires. Free countries are often bolstered by healthy economies and high-functioning governments. The businesses of Italy are 3 in terms of economic liberty. Citizens in Italy are considered moderately free with regards to their economic decisions. The government in this country exerts noticeable control over businesses and other economic activities. Citizens may own property and control certain financial decisions, but in many cases the government can take control over private property for state needs. In terms of journalistic freedom, the media of Italy is in a 3. In Italy, while journalists are allowed to express a variety of opinions, they are only permitted to publish those that do not oppose government or state ideology. The government in this country may have its own state-sponsored publications to further their ideas and beliefs. This is considered to be a problematic situation.

  • Education of ItalyDatum24.06.2023 13:07
    Thema von FedelBassano im Forum Generico in Italia

    Adult literacy rate in Italy is 99.2%. Male literacy is 99.4%. Female literacy is 99%. Therefore, male literacy and female literacy differ by 0.40000000000001%. Government expenditure on education is 4.3% of GDP. The education index of Italy is 0.79 - formal education levels are high, secondary education is a standard for most of the population; higher education is highly available and widespread due to the fact that graduates are economically demanded, and in many such countries having a higher education is also becoming a default option. People in Italy speak the Italian language.

  • Industry of ItalyDatum08.04.2023 14:00
    Thema von FedelBassano im Forum Generico in Italia

    Major industries in the country are tourism, machinery, iron and steel, chemicals, food processing, textiles, motor vehicles, clothing, footwear, ceramics. The Industrial Production growth rate of Italy is 0.5%.11.1% of population in the country are unemployed. The total number of unemployed people in Italy is 6,581,298. Italy produces 286,200 GW/h of electricity each year. Italy emits 6.7 metric tons per capita of CO₂. On average, you would pay 2.14 USD for one liter of gasoline in Italy. One liter of diesel would cost 1.48 USD.

    The total labor force of Italy is 25,477,740 people, wherein 4% are working in agriculture, 31% are working in industry, and 65% are employed in services. People in Italy speak the Italian language.

  • Banks in ItalyDatum17.01.2023 18:26
    Thema von FedelBassano im Forum Generico in Italia

    Confidus Solutions list of banks in Italy contains 5 banks.

    You have several options for bank account opening in each one of the banks listed below.

    Select a bank
    UBI Bank

  • Shelf company in ItalyDatum16.11.2022 18:41
    Thema von FedelBassano im Forum Generico in Italia

    Buy, register or acquire a new or finished company with the help of Confidus Solutions. We provide full business and legal support when starting a new business or purchasing a finished business. Our areas of expertise include commercial law, mergers and acquisitions, contract law, tort law, intellectual property law, tax law, accounting and other business-related services. For more than 10 years, Confidus Solutions has brought together business and legal experts dealing with acquisitions and company registration in more than 150 countries.

  • Infrastructure of ItalyDatum15.10.2022 17:08
    Thema von FedelBassano im Forum Generico in Italia

    Italy's logistics performance index is 3.69. It indicates satisfactory performance - in general, traffic is handled well, some shortcomings in certain areas are possible, but overall the logistics system is reliable and ready to handle predictable traffic volumes.

    Inch performance is rated at 3.36. This indicates satisfactory performance - the customs clearance procedure is generally effective, although a long time can occasionally be a problem; the customs system certainly does not discourage international business activities; required documents and fees are generally publicly available.

    The infrastructure quality in Italy is rated at 3.78. It indicates good quality - roads, railways, ports and other facilities are adapted and regularly maintained to be able to handle high traffic at all times, and most likely there are special facilities to deal with high-intensity and/or special traffic or vehicles ( e.g. highways a.k.a. freeways and deep-water ports).

    International shipping quality is 3.54. It indicates satisfactory performance - the services are reasonable and the prices are not too high and usually correspond exactly to the quality, although there is still room for improvement.

    The competence of logistics service providers is rated at 3.62. The providers are competent - they ensure a good quality of their services and almost always maintain this level; Deficiencies, while still possible, are usually minor and do not discourage further use by providers.

    Tracking options for shipments are rated at 3.84. This indicates good performance – the tracking systems provide detailed and up-to-date information about most shipment parameters, often crossing national barriers (both political and linguistic) and can be qualified as international tracking systems.

    Tracking options for shipments are rated 4.05. This indicates good performance - shipments almost always arrive within scheduled time frames and often faster than expected.

    In Italy, 100% of the population has access to electricity. Italy has 129 airports nationwide. There are 25,662,000 internet hosts in Italy.

    Road network
    The total road length in Italy is 487,700 km (303,108 miles). Of these, 6,758 km (4,200 miles) of roads are classified as freeways, dual carriageways, or freeways.

    Gas price
    On average, a liter of petrol costs USD 2.14 in Italy. A liter of diesel would cost $1.48.

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